Best in Slot
Although roughly 100 different weapons and armour exist in the game, very few of them will prove to be useful for your journeys over the long run. Only a handful of weapons in the game are anywhere near the best of its kind, and this is basically a list of the three pieces of equipment that are believed to currently be the best for each equipment position. Additionally, codifying "best in slot" can be difficult for certain slots as multiple pieces of gear may be very competitive and the choice largely comes down to what you are trying to optimize. At equal multiplier as an example, Black Skull King Sabatons will offer the highest attack but Silver Finger Shoes may offer higher overall skill. Lastly, world drops are a real outlier. World drops scale based on the level you were when they dropped, and so a level 40 Great Tome of Ilban will likely offer higher skill and def than all but the godliest of Crystal Reversed Dreadblade. Essentially, use this as a loose guide, not as gospel.
- 0. Crown of Skulls
- Level + Fighter Skills: 36
- It's rumored that a high rolled Crown of Skulls will be best in slot, though to date very few people have done the turn in for this or for Skull King Sabatons. This is because the turn in requires 12 Essence of Abyss and most players find saving their Essence of Abyss for a known good item like a Crystal Reverse Dreadblade to be a better decision than gambling on a high rolled Crown. For adventurers brave enough to gamble their hard-earned Essences, this item can be acquired by doing the Suspicious Exchange quest at the Dragon Guard.
- 1. Rainbow Mushroom Cap
- Level + Fighter Skills: 36
- The Rainbow Mushroom Cap is a solid helmet. It comes innate with Panic, Blast, and Blind and has a solid spread of defense and skill allowing it to be enchanted reasonably high. This item can be acquired by turning in one of each Mushroom Cap along with a collection of mushrooms and some marks via the Mushroom Masterpiece quest at the Dragon Guard.
- 2. Silver Night Hood
- Level + Fighter Skills: 33
- The Silver Night Hood has better defensive characteristics than the Emerald, Ruby, and Turquoise Mushroom Caps and can be equipped three levels earlier. It will on average be significantly harder to find than a Rainbow Mushroom Cap, so consider yourself lucky if you get your hands on one! This item can be acquired at Rux's shop or by defeating a Spidernoid.
- 3. Emerald/Ruby/Turquoise Mushroom Cap
- Level + Fighter Skills: 36
- Each of these helmets can be decent enough on their own, but their real strength comes from combining them at the Dragon Guard turn in for a Rainbow Mushroom Cap. Still, until you acquire all three, equipping one will probably be a significant improvement on any previous head piece you were wearing. Emerald Mushroom Caps come with Blast, Ruby Mushroom Caps with Panic, and Turquoise Mushroom Caps with Blind. Each of these caps can be found by defeating Fungalmorphs while spelunking.
- 1. Silver Glyph Shell
- Level + Fighter Skills: 36
- This armor provides the highest amount of defense points out of any armor in the game. It does have less attack and skill than a comparable Silver Night Cuirass, but given how hard the Magmic Dragon can hit, the extra defense is often far more important. This armor can be found either at Rux's shop, or by defeating Ancient Constructs while spelunking.
- 2. Silver Night Cuirass
- Level + Fighter Skills: 33
- It was a close call between the Silver Night Cuirass and the Silver Glyph Shell. The Silver Glyph Shell on average will provide slightly higher defense points while the Silver Night Cuirass will provide more attack and skill. Given just how much attack is available via a Volcanic Flamberge though and given how hard the Magmic Dragon can hit the Silver Glyph Shell just barely edges out the Silver Night Cuirass. Still, the Silver Night Cuirass is a very solid armor piece. Adventurers looking to garner one can find it occasionally in Rux's shop, or via defeating Goblin Vanguards or Spidernoids while patrolling.
- 3. Power Shell
- Level + Fighter Skills: 36
- The Power Shell is the best chest piece in the game which can be easily and repeatably farmed. Boasting a very strong defense and reasonable attack and skill, this armor will definitely be worth picking up while awaiting a lucky silver drop. This item can be acquired exclusively via the Precursor Assistant quest at the Dragon Guard.
- 0. Skull King Sabatons
- Level + Fighter Skills: 36
- Similar to the Crown of Skulls, not much is currently known about just how well these can roll. This is again because the cost of doing the turn in requires a whopping twelve Abyss Essence. Still, for those brave enough to roll the dice, this item can be exclusively acquired via the Suspicious Exchange quest at the Dragon Guard.
- 1. Silver Finger Shoes
- Level + Fighter Skills: 36
- The Silver Finger Shoes are without a doubt the best footwear known to exist in the game. They have massive defense for shoes and also an incredible amount of skill. When fully enchanted it is very common for a pair of Silver Finger Shoes to boost skill by over 1000 on their own. To acquire these rare shoes either find them in Rux's shop or defeat Human Demons while spelunking.
- 2. Silver Night Greaves
- Level + Fighter Skills: 33
- The baby brother of the Silver Finger Shoes boasting comparable defense but significantly lower skill. Still, they're able to be equipped three levels earlier and are still a very solid pair of boots. These can be found either in Rux's shop or via defeating Goblin Vanguards while patrolling.
- 3. Finger Shoes
- Level + Fighter Skills: 36
- While obviously not as strong as their silver counterparts they are certainly more plentiful. A sufficiently highly rolled Finger Shoes will absolutely compete with a mediocre rolled Silver Finger Shoes. This footwear drops quite frequently from Human Demons found while patrolling.
- 1. Volcanic Flamberge
- Level + Fighter Skills: 36
- If there were a cheat mode weapon in Dragon Court the Volcanic Flamberge would be it. With 2.0x rolls having an absolutely massive 800 attack, 200 defense, and 400 skill and with them being purposefully farmable, the Volcanic Flamberge is both far and away the strongest weapon in the game while also being a realistic goal for most players to work towards. Acquiring one of these behemoth weapons will involve repeatedly besting the current final boss of the game, the Magmic Dragon. Though the journey can be frustrating and full of many player deaths, the reward at the end of the journey is well worth it.
- 2. Silver Dreadblade
- Level + Fighter Skills: 36
- The Silver Dreadblade is a very solid right handed weapon that comes innate with Disease. It comes with solid attack and skill along with a little boost to defense to help you out while patrolling. Although most characters will likely use a Winged Scythe variant while working towards their Volcanic Flamberge, a player who is lucky enough to find a Silver Dreadblade should be ecstatic, as other than the overpowered Volcanic Flamberge it's the best right handed weapon in the game.
- 3. Silver Drake Claws
- Level + Fighter Skills: 33
- The Silver Drake Claws come with a strong amount of attack and skill and are without a doubt a serviceable weapon to utilize while slaying Magmic Dragons. They can be found occasionally in Rux's shop, or rarely from defeating Drakes while patrolling.
- 1. Crystal Reverse Dreadblade
- Level + Fighter Skills: 36
- Although the Crystal Reverse Dreadblade is ostensibly an offensive offhand, its massive stat line and ability to be enchanted to astronomically high levels make it the best offhand for both offensive and defensive purposes. This offhand will likely be the biggest chase item in the endgame with most players completing multiple Volcanic Flamberges before they ever see a single Crystal Reverse Dreadblade. When combined with a Volcanic Flamberge the player will become nearly unstoppable and with proper enchants can one shot nearly any enemy in the game. This weapon can be found rarely in Rux's shop, or extremely rarely from defeating Goblin Skeletons while spelunking.
- 2. Augmented Core
- Level + Fighter Skills: 36
- The Augmented Core is both relatively easy to acquire and incredibly strong. For the cost of two Glyph Shells and two Ancient Cores along with ten Primordial Oil and just over a million marks, players can obtain this item by doing the Precursor Assistant quest at the Dragon Guard. The Augmented Core has a very solid amount of defense points while also boasting respectable attack and skill. This means that players are able to farm decently rolled variants with relative ease which can then be enchanted to fairly high levels. Expect to be wearing one of these for a while until a Crystal Reverse Dreadblade can be acquired.
- 3. Silver Ancient Core
- Level + Fighter Skills: 36
- The Silver Ancient Core is a no frills defensive offhand which boasts the highest base defense of any offhand in the game. Unfortunately it comes with 0 attack and negative skill meaning it won't be possible to enchant very highly. If a player is lucky enough to find one with a good roll it's absolutely worth using, but given how farmable Augmented Cores are this item falls to third in the best in slot list.
- 1. Crystal Reverse Dreadblade
- Level + Fighter Skills: 36
- The Crystal Reverse Dreadblade is both the strongest defensive and offensive offhand currently available in the game.
- 2. Augmented Core
- Level + Fighter Skills: 36
- The Augmented Core is both the second strongest defensive offhand in the game, as well as the second strongest offensive offhand.
- 3. Reverse Dreadblade
- Level + Fighter Skills: 36
- The Reverse Dreadblade is a very solid offensive offhand. Unfortunately, with damage being as high as it is while spelunking, most players are unlikely to utilize one over an Augmented Core. Still, if rolled sufficiently high enough the Reverse Dreadblade is a very solid offhand.
- 1. Silver Winged Scythe
- Level + Fighter Skills: 36
- The Silver Winged Scythe is likely what every player would love to acquire to make farming their Volcanic Flamberges go as smoothly as possible. Boasting massive attack and skill while having a defense higher than most available main hand/offhand combos makes the Silver Winged Scythe an absolutely incredible weapon to have. A sufficiently high rolled one can even compete in damage with mid-rolled Volcanic Flamberges. Just an incredibly strong weapon whose only real downside is the sheer difficulty of enchanting it highly. This amazing weapon can be found occasionally in Rux's shop or rarely from defeating Stalactite Sirens while spelunking.
- 2. Winged Scythe
- Level + Fighter Skills: 36
- The little cousin of the Silver Winged Scythe a high rolled variant will be the likely weapon utilized by the majority of adventurers while working on completing their Volcanic Flamberges. Just a really solid weapon with no real downsides outside of the difficulty to enchant. Expect to spend thousands of scrolls to get even 800 enchants on a high rolled Winged Scythe.
- 3. Silver Titan Blade
- Level + Fighter Skills: 21
- Up until the Glimmerforge update, the Silver Titan Blade provided the most attack points out of any two-handed weapon in the game. It's still a solid weapon, but given the incredible difficulty associated with acquiring one, players will likely find greater success just utilizing Glimmerforge drops.