Stat Guide
Explaining stats and helpful ways of gaining specific stats.
Having more guts allows your character to take and deal more damage.
- 1. Killing monsters is easiest way in the game to increase your guts. It seems that it's easier to gain guts if you attack and defeat monsters when your guts have been reduced.
- 2. Participating in the Royal Court activity of Gaming is a great way of increasing your guts. Be sure to watch your guts and make sure that you don't get knocked out.
- 3. Using Berzerk/Ieatsu against creatures can increase your guts.
- 4. Backstabbing creatures can also increase guts.
- 5. You'll have a small chance of gaining guts if you join, quit, or create a clan.
Having more wits increases your character's chances of successfully running away and being able to catch creatures that are running away. It also increases the chances of successfully hypnotizing, resisting hypnosis, answering questions, helping monsters, and most importantly, successfully enchanting weapons.
- 1. Helping monsters or answering their riddles is a good way of increasing your wits.
- 2. Participating in the Royal Court activity of Dicing is a great way of increasing your wits. Be sure to bring at least 2,000 marks.
- 3. Running away from monsters that offer experience points when you run away is another way of raising your wits.
- 4. Running away from monsters after attacking them is another way of raising your wits.
- 5. Mesmerizing creatures can increase your wits.
- 6. You can raise your wits if you successfully capture a faery.
- 7. Finding new places (Forest and Mountains only) can increase your wits.
- 8. Joining a clan with the Stubborn ability or equipping a weapon with the Stubborn attribute can be helpful in battle, adding 30 wits when it comes to using hypnosis against other creatures or when creatures use hypnosis against you.
- 9. You'll have a small chance of gaining wits if you join, quit, or create a clan.
- 10.Using Ieatsu has a chance of increasing your wits.
Having more charm increases your character's chances of feeding, seducing, swindling and trading with creatures. It also increases your chances to resist being swindled. It also allows you to sell items and weapons for more marks to the in-game shop owners.
- 1. Bribing, feeding, and trading with monsters is a good way of increasing your charm.
- 2. Swindling, Backstabbing and using Ieatsu against creatures can also increase charm.
- 3. Buying drinks at the Tavern can increase your charm, but you'll have to buy a lot of drinks. For the best results, buy drinks at the Seaside Diner.
- 4. Participating in the Royal Court activities of Boasting and/or Mingling can increase your charm. Mingling is one of the easiest ways in the game to raise charm.
- 5. Joining a clan with the Sincere ability or equipping a weapon with the Sincere attribute can be helpful in battle, adding 30 charm when it comes to bribing creatures.
- 6. Joining a clan with the Tricky ability or equipping a weapon with the Tricky attribute can be helpful in battle, adding 50 charm when it comes to trading with creatures.
- 7. Joining a clan with the Empathic ability or equipping a weapon with the Empathic attribute can be helpful in battle, adding 50 charm when it comes to feeding creatures.
- 8. Joining a clan with the Sexy ability or equipping a weapon with the Sexy attribute can be helpful in battle, adding 50 charm when it comes to seducing creatures.
- 9. Joining a clan with the Clever ability or equipping a weapon with the Clever attribute can be helpful in battle, adding 30 charm when it comes to avoiding creatures from swindling you.
- 10. You'll have a small chance of gaining charm if you join, quit, or create a clan.
Higher attack allows your character to deal more damage to creatures.
- 1. Joining a clan with the Strong ability or equipping a weapon with the Strong attribute will increase your attack points by 10%.
- 2. Getting more fighter skills is a good way of raising your attack points. Each fighter skill increases your attack points by 1.
- 3. Remember to add Flames to your current Right or Right/Left handed weapon. This increases the weapon's attack by 10% according to its base attack. Of course, you shouldn't do this to any of your weapons if you plan to quest in the Mounds, the Docks, or Azteca.
- 4. Enchanting your gear is a sure way to raise your attack.
Higher defense allows your character to absorb more damage from creatures. Except for blast attacks, which ignores all defense - it can still be dodged.
- 1. A good way of increasing your defense is to either join a clan that has the Sturdy ability or equip a weapon that has the Sturdy attribute. Having this ability increases your defense points by 10%.
- 2. Getting more trader skills is a good way of raising your defense points. Each trader skill increases your defense points by 1.
- 3. Remember to add Bless to all your weapons that provide at least 20 defense points. Bless increases the weapon's defense by 5% according to its base defense.
- 4. Enchanting your gear is a sure way to raise your defense.
Higher skill increases your character's ability to dodge attacks and land attacks (accuracy). It also places your character in a higher position on the Captain of the Guard/Skill listing.
- 1. One of the easiest ways of increasing your skill is to apply enchant scrolls to all of your gear until their maximum enchants number has been reached.
- 2. An easy way of increasing your skill is to simply join a clan with the Agile ability or equip a rare weapon with the Agile attribute. This will increase your skill points by 10%.
- 3. Joining a clan with the Reflex ability or equipping a weapon with the Reflex attribute can be helpful in battle, adding 30 skill points when it comes to attacking creatures.
- 4. Joining a clan with the Swift ability or equipping a weapon with the Swift attribute can be helpful in battle, adding 30 skill points when you're trying to run away from creatures.
- 5. Joining a clan with the Fencer ability or equipping a weapon with the Fencer attribute can be helpful in battle, adding 30 skill points when you're trying to dodge Berzerk attacks.
- 6. Joining a clan with the Alert ability or equipping a weapon with the Alert attribute can be helpful in battle, adding 30 skill points when you're trying to dodge Backstab attacks.
- 7. Remember to add Luck to your current Right or Right/Left handed weapon. This increases the weapon's skill by 10% according to its base skill.
- 8. Raising your wits can increase your skill. You'll gain 1 skill point for approximately every 1.5 wits that you gain.
- 9. Raising your charm can also increase your skill. You'll gain 1 skill point for every 3 charm that you gain.
- 10. Adding Glow to all your weapons is another way to increase your skill. Glow increases the weapon's skill by 5% according to its base defense. Of course, you shouldn't do this to any of your weapons if you plan to quest in the Mounds, the Docks, or Azteca.
Having more quests allows you to adventure more.
- 1. Either joining a clan with the Quick ability or equipping a rare weapon with the Quick attribute is the easiest way to increase your number of quests. You'll receive an additional set of quests that's equivalent to your level subtracted by 1.
- 2. Leveling up is also an easy way of gaining more quests. You get 3 additional quests when you level up; you get 4 additional quests if you belong to a clan with the Quick ability or have a weapon with the Quick attribute.
Raising your level allows you to "unlock" areas of the game that are restricted to characters who have reached a certain level. It may also allow you to contribute more power points to the clan that you're a member of.
- 1. Questing and engaging with enemies is always a good way of increasing your level.
- 2. If you have a lot of marks to spare, you can always tithe at the Healers Tower. Be warned, however, for monsters will consequently become stronger and you might not be powerful enough to defeat them. Also, it will become incredibly expensive.
Having higher fame places your character in a higher position on the Queens Champion/Fame listing. It has no other use in the game.
- 1. Questing is by far the easiest way of increasing your fame. Simply kill as many creatures as you can and avoid using the "third option" whenever possible.
- 2. Slaughtering dragons is a great way of increasing your fame, for dragons provide the most experience points out of all the creatures in the game.
- 3. Avoid participating in Royal Court activities because you don't get many experience points out of it.
Having more favor will allow you to acquire higher ranks and also to maintain your current rank. It also places your character in a higher position on the Chief Counselor/Rank listing.
- 1. Participating in Royal Court activities is the only way that you can gain favor in this game. Increasing your favor goes hand in hand with gaining rank and is essential in maintaining your rank. Gaming and Mingling are the best ways to increase your favor; don't bother dicing or boasting because it isn't going to help much
A higher rank will contribute more power points to the clan that your character is in.
- 1. Participating in Royal Court activities is the only way that you can gain rank in this game. You won't receive many experience points for doing this, but you'll know if you're making good progress if the Queen wishes to speak to you. Don't waste your time Dicing or Boasting at the Royal Court because gaining rank is dependent on your Favor, and doing those activities isn't going to help boost your Favor as much as the other activities.