Guild Skills

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Guild Skills

There are 5 different types of guild skills in the game that can be learned by your character. 4 of the 5 guild skills are available at the start of the game for players who choose to sacrifice a portion of their build points to become a Fighter, Mage, Trader, or a Sage. If your character didn't choose any of these skills at the start of the game, however, there's no need to fret. These skills can be learned at the "Free Adventurers Guild" in the Forest as soon as you join their guild for 4,000 marks. Price increases with the total of amount of skills learned. Although learning each skill results in a loss of statistical attributes, having guild skills is beneficial for many reasons.

An available guild slot is needed to learn a guild skill. With the exception of the very first guild skill that your character learns, you'll also have to pay a few thousand marks and sacrifice 5 quests to learn a guild skill, halved with Illuminati. Learning Ieatsu costs 10 quests unaffected by Illuminati.

Keep in mind that every character begins with the ability to use 1 item in battle. Characters who have learned a certain amount of guild skills will be able to use additional items in battle. The formula for the number of items that your character can use in battle is: 1 + (Total Guild Skills/8).

  • Available Guild Skills
    • To check how many guild skills your character has, go to your inventory page. There should be two numbers for each type of skill that your character has learned; the first number is the amount of remaining uses of that skill for the day and the other number is the amount of that skill that your character has learned.

  • Number of Guild Skills
    • Players are allowed to have a maximum amount of guild skills that is equivalent to twice their level.

Removing Guild Skills If you ever make a mistake with your guild skill selections, use a Tonic of Unskilling, which can be bought at the Mountains. The Tonic of Unskilling will remove a random guild skill that your character has learned. However, your character will only regain roughly half the statistical attributes that he or she had lost for learning that skill in the first place.

  • Fighter (F)
    • Training Cost: -2 Wits, -2 Charm
    • Build Points: 8 points
      • Battle Bonuses: Adds +1 Attack to your character's base attack.

  • Allows the use 1 Berzerk attack in battle per Fighter skill.
    • Berzerk can not be used in the first round of combat.
    • Berzerk increases the players damage as well as speed.
    • Finishing an enemy off with Berzerk increases the chance to gain 1 Guts.

  • Character will become more successful at Boasting at the Royal Court.

  • Special Bonuses: The Berzerk clan attribute offers 1 Berzerk skill for every 8 levels that your character has.

The number of Fighter Skills is combined with your character's current Level to determine the type of equipment that your character can equip. A level 21 character can equip level 31 equipment if he or she has learned at least 10 Fighter skills, for instance. In battle, Berzerk attacks can only be used if your character has already attacked a creature once.

  • Mage (M)
    • Training Cost: -2 Guts, -2 Charm
    • Build Points: 9 points
      • Battle Bonuses: Adds +1 Skill to your character's base skill.

  • Allows the use of 1 Hypnotize attack in battle.
    • A successful Hypnotize will win you the fight instantly and give you a chance of gaining 1 Wits.
    • Hypnotize can be foreseen by enemies that have the "Foresight" (Sage) ability. If an ability is foreseen you are refunded the charge and will instead roll "normal attack damage".
    • Gems are activated for characters who have learned a certain amount of Mage Skills.
    • Mage skill also increases the success rate when applying scrolls to equipment.

  • Character will become more successful at Mingling at the Royal Court.

  • Special Bonuses: The Mystic attribute grants 1 Mage skill for every 8 levels that your character has.

  • Trader (T)
    • Training Cost: -2 Guts, -2 Wits
    • Build Points: 10 points
      • Battle Bonuses: Adds +1 Defense to your character's base defense.

  • Allows you to use 1 Backstab or Swindle attack in battle.
    • Backstabbing can only be used in the first round of combat.
    • A successful backstab will deal increased damage, give the player increased speed and it will lower the damage of the retaliation.
    • Finishing an enemy off with Backstab gives the player a chance of gaining 1 Guts or 1 Charm.
    • Successful backstab but without killing the enemy still gives a chance of gaining 1 Guts or 1 Charm, but with reduced chance.
    • Backstab can be foreseen by enemies that have the "Foresight" (Sage) ability. If an ability is foreseen you are refunded the charge and will instead roll "normal attack damage".
    • A successful Swindle will automatically win you the fight and give you a chance of gaining 1 Charm.
  • Increases your character's chances of successfully running away from creatures without having to sacrifice a quest.
  • Increases your character's chances of successfully running away without being caught.
  • Increases your character's chances to catch a fleeing enemy.
  • Character will become more successful at Dicing at the Royal Court
  • Special Bonuses: The Trader clan attribute offers 1 Trader skill for every 8 levels that your character has.

Trader Skills are likely to be the most versatile of the 5 guild skills. It's the only guild skill that gives you the option of using 1 of 2 different specialized attacks: Backstab and Swindle. A backstab attack has a higher chance of gaining Guts and/or Charm while a Swindle attack has a higher chance of gaining Charm.

  • Sage (S)
    • Training Cost: -2 Guts, -2 Charm, -2 Wits
    • Build Points: 12 points
    • Battle Bonuses: Provides protection against Backstab, Hypnosis, and Ieatsu attacks.

Unlike other guild skills, Sage skills aren't used offensively in battle. Instead, they are used in a passive manner, providing protection from Backstab, Hypnosis, and Ieatsu attacks from opponents. They're especially useful for preventing Hypnosis since some monsters are able to take half your gear regardless of whether or not you have a Bottled Faery in your backpack when they Hypnotize you. Having an available Sage skill effectively stops this problem. However, Sage skills won't work if you either use one of your other guild skills in that turn of battle, or if you use an item in battle that "ends" your turn, e.g. Blinding Dust, Panic Dust, Blasting Powder and Mandrake Root. It also doesn't provide protection against Swindle or Berzerk attacks.

  • Ieatsu (I)
    • Training Cost: -3 Guts, -3 Wits, -3 Charm
    • Ieatsu can be used in the first round of combat.
    • Ieatsu like Berzerk, increases the players damage as well as speed.
    • Using Ieatsu gives the player a chance of gaining Guts and/or Charm and Wits.

  • Ieatsu skills still count towards the maximum amount of guild skills that a character is allowed to have.

Unlike the other four guild skills, Ieatsu is an advanced skill that can't be learned from the "Free Adventurers Guild". In order to gain this skill, you must visit a Samurai in Shangala and bring at least one Bushido Token with you. Keep in mind that Bushido Tokens can only be obtained from Samurais, so you will have to defeat a few Samurais to get your hands on a token. As soon as you have a Bushido Token in your inventory, quest in Shangala until you meet a Samurai. Present your token to the Samurai, and if he determines that you're worthy enough to learn the skill, you will gain the Ieatsu skill. If not, continue to quest at Shangala and look for Samurais who will teach you the skill.