Bottled Faeries
Bottled Faery
Bottled Faeries are one of the most sought after items in the game. A Bottled Faery is an item that rescues a character as soon as he or she is killed in battle, preventing the character from losing quests and items, which is what normally results when a player doesn't have a Bottled Faery in his or her backpack.
Finding Faeries
Faeries can be found in any questing location in the game. Although there's only a 0.6% chance of encountering a Faery, there are other ways to acquire faeries instead of having to capture them in battle.
Certain creatures are known to drop Bottled Faeries and there are currently 10 of them:
Mages (Dunjeons, Fields and Mounds), Gryphons (Forest), Medusas (Hie Brasil), Mermaids (Docks), Trolls (Mountains), Pandas (Shangala), Priests (Azteca), Sphinxs (Mountains).
Some creatures are more likely to drop Bottled Faeries than others. In comparison to other creatures, it appears that Mermaids, Pandas, and Priests are much more generous with their droppings of bottled faeries.
Unprotected Hypnosis
A Bottled Faery DOES NOT provide protection from Hypnosis from the following creatures:
Elves (Forest), Mages (Fields & Mounds), Medusas (Hie Brasil), Mermaids (Docks), Ninjas (Shangala), Pandas (Shangala), Priests (Azteca), Unicorns (Forest).