Some Tips & Tricks

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Some Tips & Tricks

  • Tip: Pocket checklist before starting your daily adventure:
    • Bottled Faery
      • Carrying at least one Bottled Faery is always important. In case the outcome of a battle doesn't weigh in your favor, or if that infernal Berzerk got you, one of your Bottled Faeries will break out to transport you to the Healers Tower before you lose half your inventory and quests.
    • Thief Insurance
      • If an enemy successfully swindle you, you will lose your whole inventory and, instead you'll be given a rock. Buy from Gobble Inn in the Mounds.
    • Healing items
      • Both in and out of combat healing items are necessary for the prepared quester.
    • Status effect curing items
      • A must to carry from level 8 and onwards. Even if you can't use it in combat due to blind, you can cure yourself afterwards.
    • Survival Gear
      • Might sound redundant, but there might be a time you click just a little bit too fast, or click the wrong thing - ending up with 0 quests. Bringing some Cooking Gear, a Sleeping Bag and a Camping Tent will lower the risk of your equipment rusting when sleeping outdoors.

  • Tip: Avoid Excessive Tithing
    • At this point, avoid tithing altogether unless you know what you're doing and are doing it on an alt.

  • Tip: Extra Set of Quests
    • Apart from the attribute "Quick" (from Clans or rare pieces of gear) that will give your character more quests there are some other tricks you can extend your questing with:
      • Feeding some enemies will give you exp and return your quest if successful.
      • Fleeing from certain enemies will give you your quest back (monster you might not want to fight to begin with, due to bad loot or too difficult).
        • In addition, if you have the trader guild skill, there is a chance that you will have your quest refunded when you flee from any enemy the above does not apply to.
      • Bribing some enemies will cost some marks but refund your quest and give exp.
        • Make sure you experiment and take note whether your quest was refunded or not when doing one of these options.

  • Tip: Do you have extra gear on your main but are too low on your alt to use it?
    • Fighter skills enables you to equip items earlier, all gear requirement is based off your level+fighter skill level.

  • Tip: Sage. Sage will save your life more than anything else in this game.
    • Sage Foresees enemy attempts of backstabbing, using Ieatsu and most importantly, their Hypnotize attempts. At the cost of 1 Sage charge, you'll automatically resist the attempt UNLESS:
      • 1 You have used an offensive Guild Skill that turn, e.g. Hypnotize, Swindle, Backstab, Ieatsu, Berzerk.
      • 2 You have used an offensive item that turn, e.g. Blinding Dust and Blasting Powder.
        • Using these will "de-activate" Sage that turn. So to be on the safe side, don't use abilities against enemies that Hypnotize often.

  • Tip: A Second Set of Weapons
    • Some places are more beneficial with different sets of stats or attributes.
      • E.g. Flame/Glow could be replaced when deciding to fight something that devours items with those attributes, like Worms, Sea Serpents and Anacondas.
      • Items that have very high skill or defense for when you decide to flee a hopeless encounter - it might just save you a Faery or a lot of quests.

  • Tip: Utilizing Panic
    • Landing a Panic effect on an enemy will cause them to choose the fleeing option each turn - they can however strike you back if you catch them.
      • Enemies constantly running can be a pain if you just want to vanquish them, so how would you deal with it?
        • Bandit attribute is the best friend for the avid Panic using hero. It halves the enemy skill when they are fleeing. Meaning? They more often fail to flee and also have a worse chance hitting you back.
        • Blinding Dust! It more or less does the same as Bandit, lowers the enemy skill by half (even when they don't flee).
        • Skill, the more skill you have the higher is the chance of you catching them.
    • If an enemy and the player both choose to flee, the player's flee attempt is always successful. This can be useful when fighting an opponent much stronger than you as it's a way to guarantee you can get away alive.

  • Tip: Using the Storage
    • If you are low on Faerys or inventory space, don't forget to store valuables or excess items in the Storage. It's not safe from rust or decay in there nor your backpack - but if you die or get Hypnotized you won't lose what's in the Storage.

  • Tip: Effective Dicing
    • Whether this or true, I cannot confirm.
      • However the rumor is that you have a better chance of gaining Wits from dicing whenever you have under 100k marks in your inventory.
      • Reminder, dicing is very detrimental to gaining Favor in the Court. Winning the dice lowers your favor. Losing dice earns you favor.