Rare Attributes
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Rare Attributes Guide
Rare weapons are generally described as weapons that come with attributes that normally aren't associated with the weapon. In order to find out if a weapon is rare, it needs to be identified. All rare weapons are guaranteed to come unidentified when they're dropped by monsters.
Attribute | Effect |
Agile | Increases your overall skill points by 10%. |
Alert | Adds 30 skill points when you're trying to dodge Backstab attacks. |
Armor | Armour can be identified without cost from your backpack. You have to highlight the armour and click on Info. |
Bandit | Reduces the skill points of fleeing monsters by 50%. |
Berzerk | Allows you to have an additional Fight skill for every 8 levels that your character has. |
Blast | Inflicts 120 damage to target creature as long as you character doesn't normally inflict more than 120 damage. Not a clan-specific ability. |
Blind | Prevents target creature from being able to use items against you if successful. Effectively lowering skill by half. Not a clan-specific ability. |
CatsEyes | Allows you to venture in the Mounds and Dungeons without Torches or weapons with Flames or Glow. |
Clever | Adds 30 charm when it comes to avoiding creatures from swindling you. |
Disease | Reduces the skill of target creature if successful. The more damage done, the more stacks of sickness is applied. Not a clan-specific ability. |
Dragon | Allows you to trade with the Dragon; also, the Dragon will be "nicer" to you. |
Empathic | Adds 50 charm when it comes to feeding creatures. |
Fencer | Adds 30 skill points when you're trying to dodge Berzerk attacks. |
Guild | Allows you to purchase guild skills at the Forest Guild without joining it. Not a clan-specific ability. |
Gypsy | Traveling to different areas sometimes doesn't cost a quest point. |
Hardy | The effects of diseases/status effects are halved. |
HillFolk | Allows you to venture in the Mountains without Rope. |
Hotel | The cost of rooms is decreased by 90%. It also adds 20 spaces to your storage. |
Illuminati | The cost of learning guild skills is reduced by 50% for both Marks and Quest (rounded down). |
Medic | Healing items will heal 66% more guts than usual. |
Merchant | Items will sell for 5% more marks to the in-game shop owner. It also increases your backpack size by 20 spaces and your storage size by 20 spaces. |
Mystic | Allows you to have an additional Mage skill for every 8 levels that your character has. |
Panic | Causes target creature to be more likely to attempt to run away. Panic inflicted by equipment (not dust) will lower the chance of enemies successfully fleeing. Not a clan-specific ability. |
Popular | Gaining rank at the Royal Court is 5% easier. |
Quick | Adds 1 quest for every level that you have subtracted by 1. |
Ranger | Finding shops and buildings sometimes doesn't cost a quest point. |
Reflex | Adds 30 skill points when it comes to attacking creatures. |
Sexy | Adds 50 charm when it comes to seducing creatures. |
Sincere | Adds 30 charm when it comes to bribing creatures. |
Smith | Weapons can be identified without cost from your backpack. You have to highlight the weapon and click on Info. |
Strong | Increases your overall attack points by 10%. |
Stubborn | Adds 30 wits when it comes to using hypnosis against other creatures or when creatures use hypnosis against you. |
Sturdy | Increases your overall defense points by 10%. |
Swift | Adds 30 skill points when you're trying to run away from creatures. |
Trader | Allows you to have an additional Trader skill for every 8 levels that your character has. It also increases your backpack size by 20 spaces. |
Tricky | Adds 50 charm when it comes to trading with creatures. |
Unaging | You'll stop aging at the age of 33. |
- Not Stackable
- None of the rare attributes are stackable; for example, equipping 5 rare pieces of gear with Popular will not make it 5 times easier for you to gain rank and equipping 2 rare weapons with Strong won't increase your overall attack by 20%. Likewise, clan abilities and rare gear can't be stacked together.
- False Rarity
- Weapons that come with Bless, Glow, Lucky, or Flames aren't considered to be rare weapons. No matter how unusual it is to find a Leather Jacket with Flames or a War Tusk with Lucky, gear isn't considered to be rares if they come with attributes that can be assigned to them with scrolls. In addition, weapons that come with rare attributes that are normally associated with the piece of gear aren't considered to be rares.
- Double Rares
- Double rares, gear that have two rare attributes, do exist in the game and are often sought after by those who enjoy collecting rares. Of course, rare gear that come with "false" rares, such as a Masamune with Disease and Glow, aren't considered to be double rares.
- Triple Rares
- It's always been speculated that a weapon may be able to come with three rare attributes, and apparently, this is possible today. However, double rares are hard enough to find, so you can imagine how hard it'll be to find a weapon that comes with three or more rare attributes.
- Trading Cursed
- Curse isn't often considered to be a rare attribute. Trading a cursed weapon, however, isn't easy - the only way to take off a cursed weapon while retaining the curse is by applying a Glow or Flame scroll to the weapon and then having a Worm, Sea Serpent, or Anaconda eat it. There's a good chance that the creature will run away with the cursed weapon, but if you're lucky, the cursed weapon will be regurgitated back into your inventory.